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Writer's pictureAnneke Van Buren

What Happened to Wednesday! Losing Track of the Days in Covid! Pic and the YouTube video.

Hello My Friends,

It's a truly lovely day here today. Only 73 for my morning walk and 56% humidity. A huge improvement from when I arrived August 2nd when it was in the 90's and 90% sogginess. Brutal. I've learned it helps us appreciate the wonderful weather when it arrives.

I don't know what happened yesterday. I just lost the day. I almost forgot my daughter's birthday on September 23rd. Now who does that? Maybe just a little too much on our minds these days?

Update on the xxx members area....mostly this seems to be fixed. But I have had two or three of you contact me to say you cannot log in with your new user name and password. I've gone into the CMS (contact manager system) For some it just doesn't seem to send the approval notice to me. When it does, I can add you. But when it doesn't, even though I see you have asked, I can't add you. It's going to be a call to Wix I think. Plus, I still cannot send my pics and videos to my computer from the Iphone 11. I've gone online for help but these so called helps sessions on YouTube are so fast I can't get it. It seems there is something stuck in the phone.

The other concern; I can send the pics to Dropbox but it won't send the videos. Still frustrating but I'm getting there. I never claimed to be a tech genius.

It's a full moon this evening and I'm excited to be sharing dinner with a long time friend. We will have a playtime after. It was almost full last evening and I was lucky enough to peep outside as it popped over the top of my neighbor's roof. I opened my garage door and walked out into the street where I had a long, vertical view of the skyline and glorious Luna.

The full moon is this best time to clear out the stuff that hasn't worked, including people, places and things. It's really best to let go and accept the changes that can help us all become our authentic selves. Allowing ourselves to become the people we really are and to love that person.

That's been hard to remember in this time of Covid. We've all been focused on trying to make a living, provide for ourselves and our families and most importantly, stay healthy.

For many, like me, all around the world that ability to make a living was taken away overnight. Being an escort during the time of Covid puts me smack dab in the middle of risk. How do you social distance? Do you wear a mask? Let's face it, you can do none of those things and have clients. It's a dilemma.

Fortunately, Virtual kicked in, friends and family helped and I've muddled through this. Battered but braver. Shell shocked at times but stronger. Patience put to the test...will I be able to pay the rent this month? Just like a lot of you. Thankfully that little course, The Magic helped me through that maze of challenges and still does.

You all know I love what I do. I'm naturally and genuinely a sexual creature so this profession has been the perfect fit for me. It's my intention that I can return, safely, to being in a better place again. I love my new home, I feel great, I look a whole lot better and I have friends and family who support me. A few more Benjamin's would make it perfect. They are coming!

Oh and lots of orgasms!

Life is good!

Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,


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