Hello my friends! Well, it's a week later then my last update and OH what a week it's been. That "pulled muscles" complaint wasn't the cause of my being in a sorry state. By Monday, after a weekend of pain and low grade fever I went back to my close by clinic for another covid test. Although I was pretty sure it would be negative and that I had another UTI.
Yep! Negative for covid and flu. Positive for the UTI. This was worse then the last time but thankfully 5 days of Keflex have helped and I feel better. Although not quite back to speed. I'm looking for a urologist referral now. If any of you in Tampa know a good one please drop me a line or text. Both are here on my site.
But in the meantime, I'm doing my best to take very good care of myself. If it reemerges the next stop is the emergency room. My PCP is not the best.
On a lighter and happy note, I lost 2.2 pounds and I'm finally at the goal weight I've been trying to achieve for months. Today will be my first full yoga session. I'm still taking it pretty easy.
I stopped having cocktail hour last week and taking Aleve. Tylenol is now my drug of choice. lol Amazingly it helps with arthritis. Yoga works very well for that too.
I managed to get decked out and film an update Thursday and film with Myla Thursday night. Both are very hot. I was on wobbly pins but by Friday feeling a lot more energetic. So I finally drove down to South Tampa and my fabulous chiropractor and then sushi after.
The House of Dragons and The Rings of Power have both finished so it's wait until next year I guess. Since I've had so much down time I've been binging on The Blacklist. I'm now on Season 2. Spader still amazing. It's pretty preposterous though.
I had a hot cam session yesterday and the phone has been ringing with none pulling the trigger. They just either 1. want a last minute appointment or 2. don't want to screen 3. or both. I dropped the vaccination proof rerquirement. It was like tilting at windmills. After 2 vaccines and 3 boosters I hope to hell I have some immunity although I still wear my mask in the stores and use hand sanitizer. After being ill I'm going to step back into some stronger precautions for a while.
So....what was the reel with Myla and me about? It's a nod to Halloween with my giving her a special potion to make her more my slave. It's a hot two girl action. Just say double dildo and a very wet playing field. I'll let you know when it's out if you are not on Twitter or my onlyfans page.
It's staying pretty stable at www.onlyfans.com/avbgilfgoddess but I would so love to increase it by another 100. At 9.95 a month for hours of pics and videos with new content DAILY it is a bargain. There's NO pay per view as the free sites have. I MAY add something like that down the road. Are you a member yet my friend?
Nothing is free and I know a free site will cost you more but folks want to think they are getting a bargain. You have to pay to see the content once you are in there. More money in my pocket though.
A very famous porn star has reached out to me to consider working with her. Let's see what happens. She only films with BBC. I'm okay to add more of that to my resume. (Smiles!)
If I'm honest I am missing fall up north. My sis sent a pic my brother took of the absolutely glorious color in his backyard. I'm also missing my favorite restaurants in Albany and Saratoga but I'm not missing what is happening in Albany with the rising crime rate. I worry about my psychic Alexx as he lives in a gorgeous home in the city in what is getting to be an iffy neighborhood. It's not safe there. Here.......I am and I don't have to wear clothes.
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Thursday's Update

Before filming at Myla's

A Rear View

Very nice Love ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕