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We Did It! Flyover and A Fantastic Game! * Pics of course!

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hello My Naughty Boys,

It's 84 out and lovely. I brought my tea to the patio this morning and enjoyed the perfect temp then while I did my gratitude list.

Sunday's game and Bucs super bowl win was exciting to say the least. Two gal pals came over and we all blew our diets for one day. We drank a lot too. Me..Prosecco. I can handle it without getting drunk....just a nice happy buzz without getting stupid.

One of the biggest buzzes was the Flyover from the game. After they left the stadium they headed north, back to their respective bases and flew right over my house. I was sending a tweet in my playroom/office and I heard them...ran to the window and there they were. I was jumping up and down yelling for my friends to get IN here but they didn't hear me with the television. SO exciting! If you read about the pilots and the preparation for the run it's outstanding.

One downside was all the dumb fans in Ybor crowded in the street without masks. Do we want to say Super Spreader event? Still, I get why they wanted to celebrate but not smart.

Tampa has had a stellar year sports wise. The Lightning winning the Stanley Cup, The Rays going to the World Series and now the Bucs winning the Super Bowl!

It's a really fun city and honestly, I can hardly wait until it's safe to partake again. But I will! I've stayed healthy because I've done what I'm supposed to do and I will continue.

I'm definitely grateful to be living in Florida this time of year. The end of May to November I'll probably be b-----g about the high heat and humidity so I'm going to stay right in this moment of weather bliss right now.

Last evening I took a walk about 9pm. I was antsy, sick of television and had energy to burn it seemed. I only did a little over a mile but it helped. Today is weights and or yoga. Maybe both.

i had a good day Monday biz and filming wise. Today we did our Wednesday update again so you'll see both outfits here today. Friday, my videographer is back for another "What I'd Like to Do To You" addition to the series. Thanks for those of you who have purchased vids. Every little bit of support in my business is a big help! Even small gifts to Amazon at are appreciated!

I know I'd sure rather be doing it in person. March 30th is my target date to resume but I haven't gotten confirmation of the time for my second vaccine Sunday yet. I'm going to have to do some poking around to see what's up. They are supposed to contact me with an appointment time. Oddly enough, I couldn't want anything more then that second vaccine as a Valentine's Day gift.

Not a whole lot else going on. Frankly, I'm getting a little stir crazy I'm organized to the ninth and there's is just so much of that one can do. Reading every fact I've established a new Kindle record at Amazon. But I am trying to stay positive, sticking to my workout schedule, Keto, (except for super bowls) daily gratitude and meditation. Tomorrow is a new moon so I'll do a new moon ritual outside.

I hope that you and yours are safe and healthy. I might crab a bit here but I know very well that I've been blessed to survive and thrive this past year.

Life is good!

Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,


Monday's shoot.

Today's shoot...YOU are the only ones to see this shot of the lingerie under the bodysuit. PLEASE do not share it on the internet since it has not been watermarked.

Plum lace bodysuit. Please do not share this.



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