Good Morning My Naughty Boys,
We had a line of thunderstorms head through about 8am this morning. Luckily no tornadoes with them. We did need the rain as we're behind this year.
I stepped outside my door to see what the storm had left behind. Fresher, cooler air and still a little drizzle. It felt and smelled fabulous! Me...who hates rainy days. I'm a Leo...the Sun is our planet sign.
I've found my wants and desires have been altered this past year. On all levels. What used to be important is changing. Financial security and good health is at the top of my list. That has never changed. I'm sure that common for many in this pandemic.
I had hoped tomorrow would be my second vaccine. It seems the Hillsborough County system that worked so perfectly 3 weeks ago is a shambles. When I received my first jab I was given a card that noted the day of my first vaccine and told I would be contacted for the second. It never happened and so this week I've been trying to figure out how to get registered for the second. So far, no luck.
There is no way I'm going to turn up tomorrow without an appointment. Many did on Wednesday at that same location and the traffic was backed up for 9 miles. Many, turned away. There is no way I'm going to put myself in that position.
So, I've tried to register again for the second shot and I have no idea whether or not I was successful. I can't tell whether it worked and I've gotten no notifications yet.
However, I prepared for this and built in two extra weeks from the fully immune date to when I have announced I'm resuming adventures. Sis did an internet search and it seems that I even have several weeks if I have to wait between the 1st and 2nd for the course to be effective.
Still I'm disappointed. It seems the state took over the control of that site. You know how I feel about the State of Florida's governing. But, we're not alone. There is chaos in the whole system in most states. Truly pathetic in my opinion. My feeling is that the military should have been charged with the whole distribution and vaccination process months ago. Oh, wait, that would make too much sense. And we have to honor the State's rights don't we? We might as well be 50 separate countries in many respects. I guess that's why we're the United States of America. Not much unity right now, for sure. Enough of that rant.
I've had a great week filming and nice clip sales. Virtual, etc, not so much. I did 3 social media updates, and filmed for Annekexposed yesterday. I'm running out of fresh ideas for solo naughtiness. Another reason why I'd like to get that second shot so that I can resume filming with others.
Still, I think it came out well. The school girl outfit reappears for this and it looks pretty cute. This is the 3rd of the series. You'll see a bit of the naughty versions of it on xxx membership
The second part of the What I'd Like to Do To You Series went up at on Wednesday.
Not much else new. I'm trying to stay busy and upbeat about what is to come. As long as I stay focus on what I do have I'm doing just fine. There is much to be grateful for. I hope the same is true for you.
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
School Girl Reprise
