Hello My Naughty Friends,
It's kind of a rest day today. It's hot and humid and Sis and I are moving a little slow. I did get my nails done, return the Spectrum equipment and drop off clothing for the Salvation Army. Yeah, there's a laugh in that one. Some of my donated outfits are most certainly not the usual they receive.
She and my brother in law arrived around 11:30 am yesterday and we were finished and heading south by 2:30. The biggest part of our job was taking down my neighbors bed, hauling it to the trash, then taking down my bed he purchased, taking it apart to move it across the hall and putting it back together. Mine was all allen screws. Pain in the a--!
But we loaded up the van, piled high, grabbed a McD's lunch, yuk, and got on the New York State Thruway.
Take out dinner and early to bed for all of us. No time or energy to play, sorry to say. Today there is, I'll just shut the bedroom door. But starting tomorrow I will not be able to play except for text until next Monday. We get into my Land O Lakes home Sunday afternoon and I'll need to rest.
In the meantime, I can text with you if I'm not driving and you need an Anneke Fixxx. Just arrange a time, send the gift and we'll text away!
The new mailing list seems to be booming. When I get home next week I'll work on incorporating it here. We will also add chat, a member list for the xxx content I'll and more. It's going to be a work in progress because of two moves in the midst of it's debut.
All is well and I'm excited about what the future is going to bring. In fact, I had not one but two very sexy dreams last night about filming porn again. I don't know if it was prophetic but both were with known sites/folks. We'll see.
I'll be adding new photos, editing some, also videos down the road. Much more option with this site. Drop me a note at annekepleasures@gmail.com or send a text to 518 258-0866 to give me some feedback about what you like and what you'd like to see. I'll take it all into consideration.
This most certainly will be the last journal entry until Sunday or Monday. We will be careful driving down, wearing masks, distancing, spraying the hell out of everything and singing our brains out.
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
