Good Morning My Friends,
I usually try to make Wednesday my day to update the journal. Tuesday I drove to West Palm without much aggravation and had a lovely dinner at Taboo in Palm Beach that evening. He is an old friend I met when I used to live in Ft. Lauderdale 20 years ago.
I was great to see him again and the dinner was excellent. Despite it's well known reputation the staff was friendly, not at all snobby. We had fun.
Yesterday was the photo shoot with Aldo Antonio.. I had wanted to shoot in a nice Palm Beach hotel but at $900 a night? Nah. So I drove out to his town home in Royal Palm.
What a warm and charming guy. He said, I hope you are a hugger and I gave him a big one. His wife was there and obviously she's used to his filming half naked women in their home.
Consummate professional and yet such a nice person. We filmed all over his lovely home and outside on his patio. Five different changes from lingerie to Fetish wearing a strap on. He gave me little peeks as we went along but I haven't seen the finished products yet.
We actually ran over an extra hour so I couldn't leave West Palm until 2pm. I knew I was going to hit commuter traffic in Orlando. One place I absolutely dread driving in. Unfortunately the Florida Turnpike I took TO West Palm didn't afford me the same opportunity to exit back to 417 then to I-4. (nightmare highway in itself) and I wound up in the middle of the streets in Orlando. I pulled over, called up a GPS and found my way to I-4 only to land in a traffic jam. So typical.
I don't let traffic get to me but my right foot and leg decided to get a fit of painful cramps. I suffered the next 5 miles in the mess until I could set my cruise control and straighten my leg out. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Yes, there had been not one but two accidents.
So, I'm happily home in my nudist resort in Land O Lakes. I was in bed, asleep at 10:30 last evening and slept until 8 this morning. The drive and the shoot had exhausted me. I you don't realize a photo shoot is hard, physical work. Not to mention wearing those 5-6 inch heels. But boy do they look hot. lol
That's all I have. I have a dermatologist routine visit this afternoon and I may go up to the classy nudist resort up the road for ladies night tonight. Having dinner with my friend made me realize I have to start venturing out more. I've turned into a hermit. That has to end.
Oh, I'll still be careful but my life must start to resemble some sort of our new normal.
I didn't get covid, I didn't go under during my year off from providing, The scale went down instead of the usual weight gain must had during our year from hell and except for some creakiness in the mornings from arthritis I feel great. I am the slimmest I've been since 2008. So....
Life is good.
Need some fun in your life? Go see 9 minutes in Heaven at I'm working on lining up the next shoot soon!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Mondays Update for Social Media, Naughtier stuff at XXX membership.

Last Thursday's Update
