Hello My Friends,
It's been very chilly in the mornings. I don't mind but my plants do. Hopefully it's not quite as cold overnight and the weekend is supposed to be a bit warmer. But next week another cold front arrives. I know, I know, compared to snow and 27 in Albany yesterday morning it's a piece of cake.
It's been an odd week. Biz is up and down but I'm hanging in there. I've had two good shoots, Monday and Wednesday. I know, this update is a day late. I really can't remember what got in the way yesterday. We film for social media again tomorrow, followed by another xxx addition to www.annekexposed.com. I am really grateful for my camera man and Diamond Jim!
I've had a lot of tire kickers..."Hi Anneke...how are you?" Usually at 4am. I'm a big fan and then they want to text endlessly, thinking I'm their new girlfriend. Mind you....no session. I know that sounds terribly callous of me but several doing that every day really takes up time. And some are flat out obnoxious. I always try to be sweet but then they start to take advantage or become vulgar. Blocked!
Just so you know. I am not looking for a texting boyfriend. If I did want a real boyfriend he'd have to be covid free, younger then I, smart, good looking, open minded and have a big boat, big bank account and a beautiful car. And pigs can fly! lol That kind of guy is going to pick a twenty something.
So I'll continue as I have these last many years as a single, older, independent woman who has made her own way. Oh, there have been lots of stops and starts along the way but isn't that true of everyone? Well, maybe not the 1% or guy above that I described but it has been for me.
Still, living alone isn't lonely. Not if you like who you are and you have friends and family who love you too. I've learned to fill my days during Covid. Yes...of course I miss going down to Tampa or St. Pete for a fabulous dinner, a concert, some fun. I miss being able to travel. Don't we all? I've adjusted. I just hope that when the time arrives when we can go out and about I remember how.
Things will get better. Stay diligent my friends. The virus is still out there...big time. I won't be entertaining in person until it's safe to do so. But you can't catch Covid over a video camera, on a phone or text call. And it's a lot more budget friendly!
As long as I have my health, a comfortable home, enough to pay the bills, a little socialism from a distance and an occasional orgasm on cam or with toys....LIFE IS GOOD!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,

Yes, it's a new oriental. A Christmas present to myself courtesy of my suitors who are generous with Amazon gift cards. The zebra one is in my master bedroom.

Wednesday Outside on my patio.
