Hi Peeps,
I hope you're all having a weekend respite from all the chaos in our world right now. I'm turning the news on less again.
I really don't mind these cooler temps. I can walk and breathe. Summers here....impossible. So I'm liking this. But tonight some of the plants have to come in and others get covered because it's going down tonight.
It was an okay week biz wise. One dear friend in the UK arranges an hour session every couple of weeks and sends an Amazon gift card. It's a huge help and I order almost all my beauty, toiletries, vitamins, hair products as well as groceries from them. Whole Foods delivers for free.
I also treat myself to a new outfit for camming occasionally. Always on a budget. I do watch my pennies. And I'm also doing repeats of old outfits....just changing them up.
Thursday my videographer and I shot a new update for Exposed. Me reviewing and trying out several different toys. Yes...it was messy but fun. Hopefully he'll get it to Jim soon. Friday my former camera man came back to help me with my social media updates. Things are going well on those fronts. I just wish I could get my www.annekepleasures.nl to look the way I want and function better. As soon as I can I'm going to build a new site. I'm not happy with this one but it's paid for. However, the hosting is three times as much as the old one. And difficult to navigate. But at least I have one that is not going to crash as that old one that I loved would have eventually.
I still haven't been successful getting my first vaccine but it seems I'm not alone. Very discouraging if you let it be. I've chosen to take the attitude that it will happen when it is supposed to happen. I just will not spend all day on the phone or the internet chasing appointments that aren't even available. But I can't go back to work until I get it and if the Seniors are an even longer process then it delays it for everyone else. I think, as the feds get their act together, and this state can also, the pipeline will open up and it can become a steady rate of progress. Fingers crossed. There are problems all around the world.
I have a big trip today. I'm going to Target to get my usual prescription filled. LOL Yep, that's how it goes. A trip to Lowe's garden center, the liquor store and Publix are the high points of my week now. It's really hilarious when you think about the difference in our daily lives and how we've learned to live with all of this. Of course, some act like there is no virus and they are OUT there. Not me....I'm freaking boring these days except for the camming and filming. Thank the seventh floor I have those!! And the television and streaming.
BUT I bought 2 new tires for my car so now I can take a long ride. I'm thinking of just driving over to the gulf and the beaches tomorrow. It's really not that far.
That's it! Nothing else new to report. My anger at what happened last week has lessened and I'm refocused on making a living. Daily exercise helps lessen the stress of these times greatly!
Life is good.
Your Not Quite as Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
A dress for a dinner date...if....only. Check the xxx member for the naughtier version.

And the shoes to go with it.
