Hello My Naughty Friends,
It's actually cooler today. 81, 82% humidity. It seems more comfortable but that's also because we're not lugging stuff. YES! I''m finally in and all my "stuff" is under one roof!
The movers did a top notch job Monday. On time, took their time, I haven't found one damaged item that they caused. It was an 8 hour day and while they took a short rest and lunch break they worked slow and steady from 9am until 5:30.
I just have too much stuff. The real truth hit home this move and now that everything is unpacked except for the boxes in the virtual playroom, (it was where we put everything we didn't know what to do with) I see and end to unpacking and organizing in the next day of so.
Sis and hubby left this morning. They worked like dogs and she had a hip replaced May 19th. We ALL worked like dogs but it was worth all the effort. I could not have done this without them.
Now all is quiet except for my cleaning robot Rhoda. With 1900 square feet of covered space to clean now I probably ought to give her a raise. Maybe a companion robot?
Here and there I've had sessions and yesterday was busy. It was time to get back to work. So YES!! I am available for naughty playtimes! 10 am to 10 pm with advance notice please.
I was in a Mommy/son role play this morning. It's so taboo for him that he is done before we hardly begin. I never said I was a good girl. Don't be afraid to ask. If I don't want to go where you do I'll politely say so. There's no judgement. We ALL have our own little kinks. Thankfully! That's what helps keep the vanilla away occasionally. However, there's no vanilla in my world. My lifestyle is a little hard for my Sis to swallow at times but she takes me in stride.
I was going to try and film a YouTube video today but I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone and finish the job. Art and mirrors can happen another day. I'm not quite sure where it's all going yet but so far I am thrilled with how beautifully this place is coming together.
I'm still having problems with the xxx membership here. It seems you can sign up to join, chose your user name and password and then I approve you. After that you should be able to just log in and see the juicy stuff but many are saying "it's not allowing me in." I do have my webmistress working on this but her 87 year old mother fell, was hospitalized and is now home recuperating. I know she's trying to get it fixed but so far.....no go. I apologize and please be patient. If this were a paid deal you'd be annnoyed as you should be. Still...free or not, I promised it and it should work for you. We're working on it!!
Back to unpacking, sorting and having a blast. Do call, arrange a session, send good thoughts.
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girfriend, Goddess and GILF,
