Good Morning My Naughty Boys,
It was 73 and 91% humidity when I stepped out on my patio this morning. Despite the cooler temp it felt like you were stepping into a shower. I just can't walk in pea soup. I'll do weights and yoga later....inside. But I did sit on my lovely patio for my morning coffee, homemade Keto cookie and quiet time.
Several times I heard the Pileated Woodpecker's call. If you aren't familiar with it, they sound like jungle birds. They are very big but very shy birds and it's always a delight to spy one. Where I am now there are no high dense trees. But a pair of cardinals did grace our courtyard two days ago. There was also a pair of what I think are warblers but I can't identify them.
Yep...I'm a nerd. I've been a birder since Mr. Hart took our 6th grade class out into the fields to identify birds in the science unit we were studying. Thus, my life log passion for song birds.
My Sis and daughter are the same. Growing up on a lot of land seems to have given me an appreciation for nature and her creatures. And now I'm trying, in my tiny way, to provide a little habitat for pollinators. Why I have so many of the flowering plants they love.
We can't have bird feeders here. NO feeding the wildlife the condo association signs say. Especially not the gators! But I think I might be able to put a hummingbird feeder up if I could find a place to fix it on my patio.
I had a fabulous weekend with friends from around the world. I also had too many guys that didn't know what polite is. I did a lot of blocking their calls the last few days. My ultimate revenge. lol It's a waste of time to educate them otherwise. Especially when they are aroused. Hey, it is what it is.
Because there are enough of you who DO know how to be naughty and gentlemanly at the same time. It IS possible to have fun sexually without being disgusting. NOW if I like that sort of dialogue then it would be perfectly ok. I just don't. And there are gals who adore being treated with disrespect and acting in that manner. NO judgement here. There is someone for everyone so I just say...sorry...and move on. I cannot be all things to all people.
My secret for staying and thriving in adult work this long is that I only participate in what I enjoy. And do that with folks I genuinely like. I'm sure I could have a much greater bottom line if I saw or talked to just anyone but my authentic self feels violated if I do. So.....I do the things I, me, moi, love.
The last two days were quiet but that is as I needed. Yesterday, I "took" the morning off and headed over to my new found garden center. The new planting my neighbors achieved this past weekend has left big holes in the hedges that partially screened my patio. The little bit of privacy they afforded was gone. So I bought 3 hibiscus plants, matching pots and installed them when I got home. I LOVE how they look and I can keep them in pots forever if I want. I know the bees and hummingbirds would love them.
I have my beautiful sanctuary, my gorgeous garden and I'm pleased. I read a quote this morning from one of my quiet time books, Simple Abundance.
"To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition."
Samuel Johnson
Which caused me to pause and realize that this was one of the blessings from this pandemic. It has forced us to stay home and recenter our lives around home, family and friends. From 6 feet. How ironic that I had to move from a place I thought I'd be in forever, to one that has been a blessing. And one, that makes me smile.
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
PS...Rhoda is my Romba.

Boring new
