Hi My Darling Boys,
The last couple of days the heat and humidity were climbing. and this morning a front moved n and it's going down to 55 tonight. Actually I like it cooler. It's easier to walk and I never mind wearing leggings and a long sleeved top or a light jacket. It's the so hot you can't breathe 6 months of the year here of the freezing your buns off in the Northeast 6 months of the year.
I'll take the 6 months of heat, thank you. I just stay in the air conditioning, which is cheaper to run then the heat.
I've been spending my whole day with admin stuff but it's the good kind. I finally got my Skype plug in downloaded and even at this moment I am online and available at www.skyprivate.com. Of course, that's always true with my cam services directly to me. Some just like to log in a site, pay for it and boom.... We'll see what happens. It's actually less expensive to go through my site and book directly with me.
I know it's going to take time to build a clientele there plus my per minute fees are higher then most. BUT if you read their profiles you can pay a cheap per minute price and then they start charging more to ...see their breasts, pussy, etc. play with themselves...lalala. You get the drift. It's sort of like going in a strip club for a lap dance and the next thing you know you've spent $1000.
Me...it's more but that's it. You get it all. I hate bait and switch and up selling and I've never done it as an escort or a cammer. However, some gals and guys just love the adrenalin from that kind of exchange. I say, do whatever works best for you and the people who appreciate what you offer will be around. The guy who wants to pay a dollar a minute isn't my base. And there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone has a budget/ceiling for what they want to spend. Camming, escprts or strippers.
What annoys me are the guys who know what you do and want to DATE you. They are incredulous that you would charge them to spend time with you. Even more annoying is that they really just want to hook up. That isn't a date in my estimation. That's a cheapskate.
I'll never forget, years ago when I had that fabulous apartment in downtown Saratoga, a friend I'd met through AFF many years earlier wanted to drive up to see me and take me to dinner. Well, he got to my home and all of a sudden he wasn't hungry..........for food. Just me. I was so pissed I absolutely made him take me to dinner first. Mercenary on my part? You betcha!
I have a LOT Of stories like that but they're basically all the same. Plus they will probably make you squirm because I'd bet anything some of you have pulled the same stuff. When that little head takes over all reason goes out the window sometimes.
I've had NO sessions this week but one sweet old friend sent me an Amazon gift card. Just to be thoughtful. Luckily the 3rd of the month is the deposit from my clip store. I'm still heading up but it was only by $4 for February over January. I am NOT complaining.
I didn't realize it Saturday on my last update, but that walk I took that morning sprained my back. It's my own fault. I walked two days in a row and didn't stretch out before and after on either day. That's why I alternate yoga and walking and weight training. I don't do more than one of those in any given day. I've learned what works bests for my body. I've iced, done the proper recommended stretching and taken it easy. I'm happy to say my back feels better and it's healing extremely well. I think I'll be good to go when Chez Anneke opens it's doors for pleasure on March 15. Remember, you must reserve in advance. Even if we've met. Either a completed vaccine series document or a recent covid test 3-5 days before we meet to play.
I finally got the Skype plug in for payment linked today but that took changing the site password, the Skype password and a chat session with the Sky Private folks. I'm a not the most technically savvy person in the world and it's taken me almost 2 weeks to figure it out. Like many of you I didn't grow up with the internet. I didn't even get on it until 1999.
Someone just pinged me there but I still couldn't connect. ARGH! I think he disconnected before I could get back to him. Hopefully I'll be more on top of things next time. I thought I'd get an audible notice but no. Well.....I'm learning everyday.
I also edited and renewed my Tampa/Orlando Eros ad under Fetish and Fantasy. And for the first time ever it allowed me to use my credit card. I always had to navigate paying with my old Notepad. Except my bank declined it and then called me. They are based in Switzerland so I expected it. Then I actually got a hold of a real person on their support chat and while it's still in review it's paid for and ready to go.... advertising my return.
I've been saying thank you, thank you, thank you to the powers that be in the Universe many times today. And I received a notice from CC Bill who send me money for I don't know what every once in a while for the old www.annekexposed.com that I needed to update my banking info. Yep....it's been one of those days stuck behind the computer. All good!
And life is good. There's a pics for you from my social media shoot yesterday. We changed from Monday to rest my back. And one photo I just took for fun today.
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and Gilf,
PS....I had my new hormone pellet Monday. Watch out!
Yesterday's Update

Just in case outfit...for cam.
