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Oh What A Week! Pics! 💋

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hello My Naughty Boys,

It's been glorious weather here. Cooler temps and lower humidity. The good news is that business has finally heated back up. I think we had to leave September behind!

I've finally figured that I can send my Iphone11 on the phone to the Wix mobile app, start the blog, save it and then go back to my laptop and finish writing this. I'm a typist, not a hunt and peck person so I absolutely hate texting or worse, trying to write this whole update on a smart phone.

Monday night I took a fall outside. I heard a racket and went out to investigate. The problem is our walkways are not lit well and I stumbled over the landscape edging that was sticking up next to our pavered walk. I didn't even see it. Down I went, on my left side, bruising my left inside arm badly and adding more bruises to my right. But that was it....thank God. It shook me up and while I'm careful, living alone, it was a reminder that I need to be more careful. Thankfully it's healing fast.

I finally put up a Tampa escort and fantasy ad this week. It took them several days to post it but this time, all the text I wrote and all the changes to the photos made it. Miracles do happen! Many thanks to one of my long time buds for sponsoring that ad.

This morning someone sent me an epistle via text. Going on and on about his sexual preferences/prowess, what he wanted to do...etc. etc. It was received at 5 am my time, his was California time. How do I know? Phones display the area code. Of course, he could have been visiting Tampa. From the gist of the text it sounded like he was qualifying his attributes and what he wanted in a girlfriend/playmate. No mention of an adventure or a session.

Now, I've rolled out of the wrong side of the bed. One of things I've accomplished with posting free stuff for YouTube, Instagram and Twitter is a lot of gentlemen now want to marry me or be my dinner date or my boyfriend. Or have invited me to a free dinner at their Poland. Thankfully, a few want some kind of a session.

I hear you saying, "Well, Anneke, what do you expect from months of free content? Now we're entitled to it." And they are complaining that I don't wear this or that. I've cleaned out my closet and more and I've worn just about everything they now want. It's look for it. lol One suggestion, if you want a specific outfit...send it or a gift card to me. I'll be happy to wear it.

Even here on the xxx member page I get that nonsense. It's FREE....I'll put up what I want thank you. (I told you I got up on the wrong side of the bed. LOL)

So....I knew I HAD to do my gratitude list right away and start writing thank you's or this was going to be a bad day for my attitude. Even the horoscope this morning had warned I'd better get my ego in check. Next I did a long yoga session. Both helped!

All of this is SO petty isn't it considering what our country is going through right now? We have the Head of State in the hospital with Covid. His friends, family, other politicians also positive. I'm not going to comment about what I think of the choices they made to get there. He is our President and I do not wish him ill. It's not good for us to have chaos and I hope that all who have contracted the virus are well soon.

Moving on, I don't like going out in public but I think I need to get out today. I'm getting cabin fever even though I had a great first adventure back in Florida Thursday evening. Which means I will not have another one for a week. I want this place to be clean and me knowing I'm still healthy before I schedule another. Although, this was an old friend and I know he's healthy too. We both needed it!

I do have an hour long virtual session this evening with a new friend from the UK. We first chatted Wednesday and I'll get to know him even better tonight. Well...duh....of course it has a happy ending but we both enjoy the socialization too!

I'm going to head into my bathroom and do the hair and makeup next. A daily ritual and one I need whether I have sessions or not. These pics below are from the bi-weekly photo and video updates I do. I'm going to try and upload the adult content to Wix from my phone. It's no longer uploading nightly to my dropbox. I know, I know...a long waiting time on the phone with Apple. I just keep putting it off. I'll get it done and solving the problems with some members not being able to log in once they've set up their xxx member account here.

Lots to do and for that I'm thankful again. And for all of you!

Life is good!

Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,


Pics...Oct. 2...Inner Sanctum



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