Hello My Darling Boys,
It is hot, hot, hot here with the humidity in the high 90's. Sis and I unloaded the van into the garage of the new place yesterday. I signed the lease, paid the deposit, after I took a tour. It was the first time I'd seen my new apartment. Sunday and last evening we had cocktails with my neighbor. She's a doll and we're both happy I'm back.
I knew the layout of the apartment. My old friends, anthony and Lady Femina lived in the same floor plan so I could walk into it blindfolded. But I didn't know how it was decorated. Neutral carpet and white walls except for a god awful salmon color in the kitchen and my master bathroom.
My redecorating ideas went out the window and will have to wait until I can get the kitchen painted something neutral. Luckily, cobalt blue is okay with salmon. One happy find is that my bathroom has a bidet also. I love them!
Except for that paint it's a treasure and I'm thrilled. The owner allowed us to unload stuff into the garage before the Aug. 15th lease begins. That is a huge help so today Sis and I took down all the art work in my old place and brought it to the new one. We'd learned from yesterday. Work in the morning. It's too hot to be moving anything in the afternoon.
The second load was mostly accessories. After the second trip we quit. If we two loads every day in the morning we'll have gotten most moved before the movers come on the 17th.
Enough of the boring stuff. I filmed for the closet series today and also did a private video for one of my clients. I was a short and slow strip tease. I can only send so much via email so he's going to get Dropbox.
The xxx member page is now set up on the new www.annekepleasures.nl but I haven't approved those who have asked to join so far. Your old membership does not transfer. Sorry to say you have to rejoin but there's no reason why you can't reuse your member name and password again. I began loading naughty stuff on it today so give me another day and I'll get those of you who have awaited membership so patiently!
It's going well but please don't forget that afternoons and evenings or anytime between 10 am and 10pm is available for virtual, text and phone services IF you give me advance notice.
I'm still a "working girl" even if it's not up close and personal. Believe me, it's pretty close and very personal even virtually. I have to keep washing those squirt pads every day!
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
