Hello My Naughty Boys, It's late this Wednesday update. It was a relatively pleasant day, not too hot, just a little bit of rain. I've been keeping busy almost every single day. A dear old friend visiting Saturday evening for some fun and I had lots of virtual, phone chats and text naughtiness. You ask...how can you be naughty texting? Oh come on, I know you've all done it with someone you were not supposed to. That's half the fun. I am convinced that having an alter ego is a good thing. A special place in your mind that NO one else knows about. If I haven't learned anything in this lifetime is that you do not need nor should you tell EVERYTHING to your significant other. It's my conviction you should keep some things to yourself that you can recall upon occasion and quietly smirk about. Naughty things. It keeps you sane. Which is why I'm here. To be one of those naughty "things" that can make you smile when it feels like everything else is going to hell. As a single woman I don't have to concern myself about that but I've also learned you still don't tell even your best friends or family everything. A little mystery is a very good thing! Today was a good day. We made some real progress on my new site and it's shaping up to be what I hoped for. The gallery is amazing but I can see the 35 pounds in some of those older photos. Still, they are beautiful and gradually I'll add the skinnier ones to the beginning of the gallery. The selfie gallery will be full of the new me and it will be kind of fun to see how I began to melt. After years of pain and limited exercise getting that hip fixed was the best thing I've ever done, health wise. It's enabled me to be much stronger and more fit...which translates to more motivation, better diet and more exercise. All good! The best thing of the day, which I'll give thanks for when I hold that crystal in my hand before I go to sleep tonight, is that I am approved to move to the new apartment. In the past I would have been a worried person, obsessing about it all and wondering when I was going to hear. From what I've learned, I saw that place as mine and I've been planning the decorating all ready. All the dinners and parties and family visiting. In other words, it had already happened. Every time a little niggle of doubt came in, I chased it out with thankfulness for already having the place. Well, it worked and I saved myself a lot of angst. All the big pieces of furniture are sold or spoken for and there are only a few pieces left. I've cut the prices in half again and if they are still here....we'll load them into the back of the van and cart them to Habitat for Humanity's Restore. I'm in a whole different place and comfort level now then I was the beginning of June. And I have so many of you to thank for that. Every single 15 or 30 minute or longer virtual, phone call or text session added up. Add those to the few one on one adventures and I'm feeling very confident about this move. All I'm awaiting now is the quote for the movers. We'll be doing all the little stuff ourselves. The big, heavy pieces will be their job. I'll have my Sis and her husband flies down August 9th to help. Neighbors/friends have offered too. While we'll have to be quarantined when we get back Sis and I and her hubby can do the work during that time. My gal pal down the hall has offered her golf cart to bring things over to the new place too. I'm really excited and looking forward to all the work. After too little to do these last few months it will be a joy to work hard. Life is good! Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF, Anneke PS....If my site goes down in the next few days before the new one is up....hang on...the new one will be along soon. You can always see me on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, call 518 258-0866 email annekepleasures@gmail.com All virtual services, phone and text chats will continue. xoxo Tie Dye in the Closet
