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July 11th HOT and Humid in Albany * In More Ways Then One * Figuring Out The Furniture Dilemma

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hello My Naughty Friends,

It's a typical July summer day here in Upstate NY.  88 Degrees and 57% humidity.  I had a lovely walk this morning, early, before it heated up.  With a nice breeze, the higher morning humidity was bearable.  I'm sitting at my dining room table/desk watching the piggy little house finches at my feeder.

Much like humans, there are some birds that have to dominate the feeder.   Unlike the polite Tufted Titmice that patiently take turns for their time to eat.  Some folks just have to have it all...they can't share.  I'll leave you to muse that one. lol

My Sis showed up yessterday morning so we could head to the cemetery before it got too hot.  It's a memorial type, no headstones,  just plaques flush with the ground.  Our family plots is getting invaded by grass and she trimmed back the overgrown sod with her weed eater.  We got it all cleaned up and I arranged flowers in my Mom and Dad's vase from her garden.  Both my parents will stellar gardners so it seemed appropriate.

Then we headed out to my brother's for lunch.  His wife has cancer in her brain stem and she's so worried about catching covid. I do not blame her.  My bro, sis and I sat outside at the patio table while she was just inside the screen door.

We had a great time commiserating about our aging selves, I'm the oldest and weirdly the healthiest, and laughing about the stuff that happened to us as kids. It was good for all of us to reconnect.  

Even though I began my "work" day late I still had a fun session.  THIS morning I was awakened at 6:49 am by someone who "needed" me. I rolled over and the texts kept coming.  I hadn't turned the volume down on the phone.  I usually do. Phone calls are off at night but I can hear texts. He kept insisting and was sending money.

Finally, I gave up, got up, chewed him out but he was "desperate!"  I said, "I'm not going on camera, I'll talk you off." ACK...sorry boys, I don't roll out of bed horny and looking like below.  But I still prevailed and he finally had his release.  I was now too awake to go back to sleep.  Thus, the early morning walk after coffee.

I don't go anywhere without my coffee in the morning! Or my lipstick.

I got showered, hair and makeup and did a new Closet update.  It really is down to the last bits of wardrobe.  I had ordered today's new from Amazon and squeezed into it.  It should have been too big but I've noticed the attire from China is all being mis-sized.   I honestly think they do it on purpose OR their factories aren't keeping up with the demand.  It's really hard to get hosiery that fits me right with my long, long legs.  That's been true with several other things.  

I know....BORING.  Get on with the racy stuff Anneke.

I had a very naughty and great week...busy most days but something going on every day.  I had something new happen this week.  You know I'm a

.  The kind that it heads downward into a puddle.  But I was using one of my dildos in my nether region for quite a while, feeling great and I pulled it out and it shot across the dining room.  I have friends that do that but it was the first time for me.  Amazing.  He liked it too.  I get a kick out of exciting my viewers.  When they are turned on I am also. Not to mention I get to have a few orgasms too! 

With all the moving expenses and rent due ahead of me I'm so appreciative for the income from virtual.  The damn furniture sure isn't selling. Saturday, the 18th, I'll be having an "open, in house garage sale."  Sis is going to come up to help me.  We will only allow 2 in at a time and they will have to wear masks.  No can't come in.  If someone wants to buy something we'll spray it again with sanitizer and wipe it down before they take it out.  I'll have extra gloves too.

We also measured her van and it looks like we can fit some longer things within it.  If I can't sell the upholstered queen sized headboard and frame she'll take that.  No one wants used mattresses, understandably.

I might just have a lot of the artwork and accessories going back.  Hopefully, the couch and the rest of the furniture will sell.  Dishes, glasses, etc we can take to Goodwill, Salvation Army or Restore. I purposely did not load up this place with stuff!  Well, maybe pillows. lol  We women love our decorative pillows.

Not much else new...just waiting for my background check for the new place to pass and then I can starting planning movers...etc. Since I'm staying in the same community and I've always taken great care of the place and paid my rent on time there it should not be a problem.  Yes, the folks that are facilitating this know my profession but I've never caused a problem in the community.  And I'm not the only one who also entertains her friends.  

I hope you enjoy the photos from today's latest Closet Raid.  They turned out better then expected.

Life is good. 

Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,


July 11 Raiding the Closet Leather, Vinyl and Lace.  



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