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It Was a Good Week * Pics

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hi Peeps,

It's Saturday already again. I have no idea where these days go lately. It's been chilly the last couple of nights and my poor plants are still sitting away from my patio in the shrubbery border and on the edge of our grassy courtyard.

I say that facetiously. It's astroturf. Why? What? In Florida? They built this particular community in 2007 and the fill for the courtyard's between buildings is Georgia red clay. This side of the street all has the fake stuff because they could not get the grass to grow with the non-draining clay. I know...I lived in Georgia for 13 years.

I told my then husband..."If you bury me in this red dirt I'll be back to haunt you." I have stories about being a New Yorker living in the south. It taught me a lot. And that's all I have to say about that here.

Once the full moon passed things settled down. I felt some anxiety this week, as others did also, until Alexx reminded me this was a powerful full moon. "Oh, I said...that explains it!" You can always handle something if you understand the root cause I've found.

I had two social outings this week. With two mature ladies like me who live in these nudist communities. Both very careful. We went to dinner in the one gal's resort restaurant...masks on, wearing them until after our order was being taken,,,then off to eat...back on and out. It was almost empty so no worries.

Last night we ventured out into what I call less safe territory. A Sushi place. While people were distant for the most part...the same mask routine...before we left they seated a whole family right behind us. And he was coughing. Fortunately facing the other direction.

So....that's going to be my last foray out. I didn't stay safe this long to get sick while I'm waiting for my second vaccine. But I really did enjoy the meal. I love Sushi but that isn't something you can do easily at home. I think I'll get take out the next time!

Yesterday my camera man came over and we did the little social media clip. After he left I stayed in wardrobe...and did a Tripod holding the camera xxx clip for The "What I'd like to do to you" (If I had you alone) Actually it turned out well. Yesterday was a part?...hmmm.

I had a brisk walk in the chilly air yesterday afternoon but I'm a little achy today with the colder morning so it's a yoga day. Time to stretch out those muscles and relax.

Weekends are more relaxed and I don't stick to as strict a schedule but I'm still ready to by phone or text from 12pm to 10pm.

So....let's plan your naughty escape.

March 30th is still my back to adventures goal date. If you have q's read the VIP section at my website here. Details are true for VIP/GFE and Fetish.

Life is good!

Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,


A little lingerie. PS..the lipstick is sort of ....gone from the middle of my mouth. See the xxx section for why?



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