Hello My Darling Boys and Girls,
Yes, there are some women who read my journal. Some open minded wives of friends of Anneke, some Moms of friends of Anneke, some sisters in the biz and some women who prefer women. There might be one or two TS's too.
It's been a busy week. Virtual seems to be picking up again and Clip sales are up. The new Nine Minutes of Heaven video at www.annekexposed.com is heading toward the top seller already. Just shows you prefer me WITH someone else rather than pretending or going it alone!
My next clip is probably going to be girl/girl. Two of my friends have shown an interest and I'm working on scheduling. One has also offered to woman the porn camera.
I went to our resort pool for the first time in over a year and a half this past Sunday. It was a beautiful day and I was sick of sitting in the house. Despite our governor's ending the Covid restrictions statewide I'll still be sticking fairly close to home. (He's an idiot and a political opportunist in my opinion.) If you like him....good for you.
But being outside in a pool setting without a mask and fully vaccinated seemed enticing to me. So I spread a high sunscreen all over, pulled my hair back and popped on a sexy sarong, some sunglasses and flip flops.
Mask are required to check in and at the indoor bar. The current owner and her deceased husband brilliantly closed up the ever popular outdoor bar some time ago. You could walk in from the pool with your naked self and bare feet as long as you had a towel on which to sit. While it was covered and sheltering it had screens all the way around. It was our favorite place for happy hour. Yeah....that went out the window too. Forcing us inside after a day outside in a bare and unfriendly cafeteria looking dining room and puny little bar. They even removed the big bar in the nightclub. While the structure is still there he took out all the beer and soda lines so they can't serve drinks. Brilliant again.
But I had a nice spot with an umbrella. Most of the folks were strangers except for a couple of couples I know. No single men. All couples in their 50's to late 70's. One older swinger couple were giving me the eye and he came over to try and make a hit. His approach was border line sleezy. He asked me when the last time I'd had an orgasm was. I said..."yesterday." That it was such a shame that a beautiful woman like me was there alone. Ack....yes he said that. When he hinted at someone licking my pussy I said, "it won't be you!" Double ack!!
I popped in the pool a few times but mostly sat under the umbrella and listened to the band. They had a good one that afternoon and I enjoyed watching folks dancing naked with abandoned. Before I left I joined in during one favorite song. Two diet cokes and Bacardi Limon with lime drinks and that was it.
I counted a total of 100 people around the pool and playing water volleyball. Years ago it would have been many hundreds with so many lounge chairs on the pool decking you could hardly walk. Chairs spread out to the lawn.
It's sad the comparison. But folks seem to be returning in dribs and drabs and I've heard there are 100 full time members right now. There used to be 7,000. Right, 7K! All ages, all persuasions and many of them good looking. I had my pick and at times I picked a lot of them. There were 3,000 for Halloween and it pretty much lasted all week. Bars and bands were set up everywhere.
It was the hottest place on the planet...no kidding. Really. But, it's still my home turf and I can only hope and pray that she sells it to someone who knows what the hell they are doing in not only the hospitality business but in a lifestyle resort. It could happen so it's now on my intention list.
Me...I'm doing fine. Keeping busy, working out, having fun virtually. I'm excited about my website makeover and new photo shoot next week. I envision a knock your socks off but classier approach.
I saw my chiropractor today. I hadn't had an adjustment since before Covid. I'll probably see him every couple of weeks. A really good guy who has always known my profession. I shared what had happened this last year and said that Virtual was still carrying the day and the filming/clips were heating up. He was thrilled for me and I said, "I'm going to be doing this when I'm 90." He laughed. Me...that makes me smile.
Life is good. As long as you have enough to be comfortable, good health and have folks in your life who love you.....it's much to be grateful for and I am!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
ps...remember I am available to meet in Tampa or you can fly me to you. I will not be touring. Details here under Services.
Beaded gown.

In a Fetish Mood.
