Hi Peeps,
I'm thinking about dragging out "the coat." Just kidding...but the temps dipped again last night and we have another cold front sliding in Monday. Compared to the poor folks in Texas....I'm very aware of how blessed we are in Tampa. At least when there's a hurricane barreling down we have time to prepare. They got slammed out of the blue!
I've had a good week. As I mentioned on Wednesday biz seems to be picking up and clip store sales are chugging along. There's no windfall but I'd have to buy a lottery ticket first to even have a chance at one.
I did some work on my patio garden this past week and that was most satisfying. Watching my orchids sending up flower spikes is a thrill after months of nothing. They like the warmer weather also. And like us....plants need to to rest and recharge their energy. You can't bloom 24/7 even if you want to. We all need time to rest and repair our minds and bodies. Even you type A's.
I've decided I have to find a way to socialize safely more often. It's not been great to be alone all the time as some of you know. So last evening, friends, who are a cautious couple, and my former course leaders of "How to Create A Bug Free Mind" invited me for dinner and karaoke. We joked about chillin' out and I brought my Prosecco. They had their own "relaxers."
We're always so serious when we're together. In a fabulous way of learning how to grow and elevate who we are as human beings at the same time learning to be authentic and loving ourselves.
Last night, we just had fun, we a few sprinkles of philosophy. He has a gorgeous, smooth voice that lends itself to old standards and Michel Legrand type arrangements. My poor voice is so beat up from my daily asthma inhaler that I just sang along in the background. I didn't know if I could even squeak out a note but to my surprise, I did. She chooses upbeat, fun, sexy tunes.
It's no secret that music is therapeutic and it was SO healing to me as well as enjoyable to be surrounded by real voices. We're going to try and do this more often.
The resort in the community where I live used to be the hottest and most fun place on the planet. I do NOT exaggerate. It's neither now. The big thrill is the $6.99 special when they are open. And very few people. Most of us long term members have dropped our membership. We used to have non-stop fun. We'd all be at the pool all weekend long and we hated to even go home to change, fearful that we might have missed something. We'd all be back at the club by 7:30 pm just to get a seat. It was always packed with all ages and all types of good looking sexy folks.
Sigh...........those days are gone. So we're all learning how to reinvent the fun times here carefully in the time of Covid. Not an easy task.
Tonight my gal pal from down the hall in my last apartment is coming for cocktails. She doesn't go anywhere either so we're safe in my living room.
No....I still haven't even gotten an appointment for the 2nd vaccine. I keep calling and they keep saying..."we'll call you when we have appts." But Florida isn't alone in this mess. We do have new shipments arriving this past week and weekend so I"m hoping this phone will ring with those magic words...."We have an appointment for you."
And that is what life has come to for many. Waiting for a vaccine!
It could be worse....so life is still good. I have a promise of a new playmate when it's safe. Puts a smile on my face and a little pep in my step. Yeah! Add him to going back to work and my smile gets wider!
Filming again for Xposed next week.
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
The Thursday Update....little tiny lingerie bikini!
