Good Morning My Sweethearts,
It was a perfect morning for Earl Gray tea and my gratitude list on my patio. A lovely 70 with a breeze. Now that the earth's axis has changed the sun comes over my neighbors building opposite mine at 8:30 and blasts me in the eyes. So it's my desire to arise at 7am instead of 8. I so love that patio time.
Then it's also time to move my orchids indoors for a few hours. They do not like direct sun. Especially the Phaelinopsis...also called the Moth orchid. Direct sun fries their big leaves. It only takes a minute. After waiting a year for them to flower it's worth the daily effort. .
I saw this on Alexx's Facebook page this morning.
"In the rush to return
back to normal, use
this time to consider
which parts of normal
are worth running back
(d. hollis)
For me...I'm unwilling to go back to what used to be normal. Touring the country, chasing the dollar. Putting up with rudeness in this business and people cancelling left and right. Worrying if I'm going to "make" it. Living a less healthy lifestyle.
I like where things are right now. A slower pace of life, the safety and sanctuary of my home that I perceive. Being with my friends here in my community is more precious! Being grateful for every minute every day!
The lower volume of work and the higher expectations for courtesy from new friends. A shift in how I do business all around. Virtual is fun, profitable and gave me a new attitude toward technology that I like. It's satifying being able to connect on camera and build a worldwide clientele. I LOVE the gentlemen who are reaching out to meet now. It's almost as it used to be in the early days of my career. Polite, screening, showing up, bringing champagne, flowers and being sweet. As well as intimate and hot! Those who are unable to be nice I do not meet.
I've always loved what I do but sometimes less then others. Now I'm really loving what I do again! And I'm not obsessing if I have a new wrinkle, age spot or am less than perfect. I've learned to love who I am and I don't care that I don't look 29. I value my talents and abilities...professionally and personally and strive to find what is my higher calling. .
They say aging is not for sissies. Partially true. But I have to say that I wouldn't trade a few years in age and a better body for the wisdom I have gained in life, especially this last year.
Life is very good! Be on the lookout for the new and improved
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Monday's Update and a teaser from the photo shoot.
