Hello My Darling Boys,
Today was the first of warmer temps upon arising. I brought the plants I had in the garage back outside.
It's been a bit busier this week and I have some bookings for next week already, virtually of course. I know we're all excited that the Pfizer vaccine has been approved and the first inoculations are supposed to begin Sunday or Monday here in the Tampa Bay area. Nursing homes and Tampa General high risk staff first. Then 5 of their affiliate hospitals if there is extra.
And that's the clue isn't it? We're going to have to wait. But we've waited this long we can practice safety measures a few more months. I am definitely raising my hand for this. Not only to stay well but to be able to go back to seeing friends one on one in person. Of course, they will have to have had the vaccine completed also. Still, we don't know how long we will be immune. There are several unknowns. I say...let's just continue to be careful and proceed with common sense and the medical community's direction.
I'm going to keep this relatively short today. This is my third attempt to update and Wix seems to be fussy today.
We did not film for xposed yesterday. I was just not in the right frame of mind so we decided to wait until Monday. We did do an update and you'll see some of those at the end.
Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends. This is such a lovely time of the year for so many faiths. Let's enjoy all the meaning and traditions as best we can. There is no doubt in my mind that faith and the goodwill of the Universe has kept us going IF we can be grateful for what we do have. SO many are in terrible shape without even enough food each day.
I've always given to the Salvation Army. They are a trustworthy organization and I would do much more if I could. If you can...please do help in your own way.
It's time for some centering yoga and then I'm going to pull up a chair in my garage with a cocktail in hand and watch our yearly Christmas golf cart parade. After... a concert outdoors is one building away.
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
PS,,,I'm having problems adding xxx memberships again. Please be patient. I'm sorry. It's going to be another long wait on the phone to get a hold of their support folks. Grrrr!
A little greenery for Christmas. Friday.
