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Don't Forget or Neglect to Vote and Reading the Directions! Pics

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hello My Naughty Friends,

I hope you're staying warm wherever you are. I see the north is having snow and cold. It's 79 here, overcast with 77% humidity. Showers predicted this afternoon, which is typical and a forecast of several rainy days in a row. We're behind in rainfall for the year so that's a good thing.

I know the folks who go to the club/resort here on the weekends won't be happy. Personally, I think they are nuts but I'm not the boss of their lives. It's enough to manage my own. lol

I've had a good week. I voted early yesterday. Only about 35 minutes in line and it was very well run.

I've had cam, phone and text adventures and a lovely evening with a new friend who works in a health related field so I felt safe meeting him. I am still spacing adventures several days apart. But folks still call and ask, "Are you available now?" GRRR!

Never mind that all my ads say, only one a week and a week's advance notice. It seems no one reads anything any longer. It's been a continuing source of frustration for the 17 plus years I've been a provider. Until I finally realized that men do things much differently then women.

Following directions is not your forte. You're visual and with smart phones and the internet you just look at the pictures and pick up the phone. Thankfully, not all of you, but many. I don't meet women so I can't compare but most of my female friends usually have their noses in a book often. It's the last thing at the end of my day as television or devices previous to trying to sleep has been proven to be a deterrent to a restful sleep. I have few problems sleeping.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I and an orgasm help you sleep. Remember, you can always have a before bed virtual session. It's a lot more fun sharing it with a real person who loves getting off with you. I will do sessions after 10pm IF you arrange them in advance. Last minute doesn't work for me and certainly not in the middle of the night My phone is turned off. Plus, I've already removed my makeup and I'm ready to end the work day.

I had a Wellness Check in my own home this morning. My insurance company does it and it was really very comprehensive. The nurse explained they want to see your living arrangements to see if there is anything they can do to help you. If you need ramps, bars in the bathroom, someone to clean your home, etc. They've already sent me a kit that has a prescription for Tamiflu and an in home Covid test. You have to notify them if you are feeling ill. They then authorize the RX. I think that's really smart on their part.

She also did a memory test and a circulation test. Now don't laugh....I passed both. Aging is not for sissies. And it's reminder that I am even if I won't admit it or feel that I am. Typical freakin' Leo.

I am so thankful that I live in a nudist/lifestyle community where people take great care of themselves and each other and that I am in a profession that helps keep me young. Frequent sex does you know. Even if it's with your own hands or toys.

The French did a major study years ago and the results showed that frequent sex keeps you younger. The figures. If some of you guys don't know this. masturbation is a good thing. It helps clean out that prostate. You have my permission to masturbate as often as you like in a discreet place. I'm not a fan of public sex unless you are in a swing club or a swinger's party.

I've shifted my Keto lifestyle to lower fat, less dairy. I pulled out my old Jillian Michael's book, Making the Cut. It helps you lose those last stubborn 10-15 pounds. I just want to get rid of 6-7 more. I do have to ramp up the exercise too. She has some fantastic recipes that I love.

Last night I had fresh mushrooms caps with a little black pepper, topped with 1/2 of a fresh sea scallop and 1/4 teaspoon of pesto. Baked at 450 about 10-12 minutes. Fabulous!

My son lost his Upstate NY job. He's okay but he has an old beater of a car but he's seriously thinking of moving back to Florida. That car might not make it. He misseds his mom and his daughters who are in St. Pete and his sister. Simultaneously my daughter is becoming serious about leaving North Carolina and heading here too. I want what is best for them but I'll admit I'd love to have them close by.

My Sis and hubby will be here for a night the end of the month so it will be good to see them again. As you all is important. That and good friends!

Life is good! Come see me.....just plan ahead!

Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,


Pics from today's Twitter/Instagram/Youtube update. I've changed to Wednesday's for now. Yes, there are naughtier ones on the xxx section.



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