Good Morning My Friends,
Actually it's almost noon. I stayed up later reading last evening to read so I didn't roll out of my bed until almost 8;45. Crazy dreams as usual but I felt rested once I put my feet on the floor.
We're back to hot and humid and by the time I'd had my coffee it was too late to walk. I try to do so when it's cooler. So...instead of a walk I'm going to do weights later. Yesterday was yoga.
Thankfully September and it's next to no business is gone. It's as if we turned the corner to October and I ran into my friends who had been somewhere else. However, looking back, August and September have always been terrible in Florida. Not so much Upstate NY in the summer but definitely here. I do have to say that did not happen this August in my new digs. Thank the seventh floor!
I'm continuing to have problems with some xxx members logging in. I suspect it's how they do but until I speak with Wix I don't know for sure. I've tried to go into my contact manager system to rectify the problem for some but not had any success that I know of. I hear when things are wrong but not when they are right. Do let me know if I've fixed it for you.
My Eros ad is up and I've had responses but to a person, none of taken the time to read the ad before they call. "Are you available?" Meaning right now. So I sweetly ask, "Did you read the ad darlin'?" Knowing full well the answer. I am sticking to my guns at a week's advance notice, screening, health screening and quarantine if you fly in before we can meet.
My little patio garden is doing great and it brings me so much pleasure. So does my new home. I'm still pinching myself that this is where I get to live.
Two nights ago I heard a knock on the door and it was my upstairs neighbor. "Let's have martinis!" So we sat outside and my neighbor across the way dropped in briefly. I couldn't have found a nicer bunch of immediate neighbors if I'd tried. I'm truly grateful.
I wish I could share this place with everyone as I used to do but the times are different and we will adapt. I am having Thanksgiving again but it will probably be outside on the patio. I'm really looking forward to that!
I had my yearly consult with my anti-aging Dr. yesterday. She does the hormone implants. Great results and she was pleased at not only my weight loss, but the lab numbers. I told her I was doing Keto and she asked...which one...clean keto or dirty keto? First I'd heard that and she explained. She'd like to see a couple of my numbers go down, even though they are not bad. NO dairy. Ack!! No bacon, sausage, processed meats, etc. That's not a big thing to give up.
I think it will help me drop those last 7 pounds to reach my goal. I've been stuck for months. Which isn't a bad thing. I haven't regained. So....I;ll give it a modified try. I'm can't totally take cheese out of our diet but I will consume a lot less. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Not much else is new. The bruises from my fall are healing really fast. I won't be walking out there at night again. So I went out through my garage the other nights to see that glorious full moon. Splendid!
An old friend from Upstate NY and I are skyping for the first time tonight. After I spend time with a new friend from the UK. Now isn't that fabulous?
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and Friend,
ps....I have a new ottoman arriving tomorrow for the playroom. I'm going to use it as a spanking bench. OR a place to.....well, you know.
