Hello My Sexy Friends,
The last two morning I've awakened to see the temperature was 39 in Tampa. I'm 20 miles north of the city and it has been colder here. Last night I covered my orchids. When I did a check of my patio garden this morning my variegated hibiscus was definitely looking droopy. It must have dropped close to freezing here.
I don't mind the chill down but my poor plants do. Tonight is another cold one so I think I'm going to have to do more covering or move some into the garage. I don't ever remember it being this chilly this early here in the Tampa area. January and maybe the beginning of February usually.
Never fear....I have heat and my mink. I actually enjoy wearing sweaters and jeans or leggings.
It's been a good week. We shot a nice video of me wearing black satin Monday and today we'll film again. I'm saving the emerald green dress and shoes after the turkey tummy lessens. I'm not sure what I'm wearing today. Friday we'll also film something new for www.annekexposed.com Any ideas would be considered. Just remember, it has to be a solo gig.
Those of us who are responsible are still being careful. My London friend who lives here also was finally able to go out for a pub lunch today. There were in lock down in the UK but their numbers are going down.
I was watching BBC last night and one of their presenters just came back from the UK, having traveled for a family emergency. Everywhere she flew in Europe they were questioned where they were going and where were they staying. Who had they been around? She said when they flew back into Dulles in DC....nothing. No advise on quarantining, contact tracing, nothing. That seems lax to me as our numbers are rising. They will spike after all the Thanksgiving travel.
Personally I don't understand how wearing a mask is against our personal freedom. Or that going out to a crowded bar or restaurant should be a right during a pandemic. In Florida, they are at full capacity. Or so I hear because I have ceased dining out. It hasn't been a hardship preparing my own food. I love to cook and since I'm doing a Keto lifestyle it's more beneficial to prepare food at home. Not to mention the money I save not eating out.
I'd like to keep living and not causing anyone else to be ill because of selfish desires to be OUT and ABOUT! Happy work and exercise time keeps me busy most of each day. Thank God for Netflix and Amazon Prime in the evenings when I don't have sessions! Books to read also. And my friends here with whom I can still associate carefully because they behave themselves.
I know a lot is absent from my life and yours but Covid has taught me some important life lessons. It's okay to be by yourself. It's actually great that my home is my refuge and safe place. That I have friends and neighbors if I need anything. And that the world is still connected via the internet. And because it is....I can make a decent living and have a little naughtiness at the same time.
Life is good. I am grateful and thankful.
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Black Satin shoot, this past Monday.

Hot off the tripod...today's shoot.
