Hello My Darling Boys,
It's not very nice weather for Florida. It's one of the grey, soggy days in the fifties. Yeah, things ache.
I begin the morning with a walk back from the Tire Kingdom that is just around the corner. I'd put off replacing my two front tires long enough. And an alignment. Since I was only going a few miles a week locally I kept putting the expense off in the future. But after trying to get on 3 different vaccination lists it's looking like I'll have to drive to Orlando to get one. And who knows when? It's a sad state of affairs but hopefully some direction is coming.
And that's all I'm going to bitch about today. I promise!
Business has picked up. I received the stimulus check and a nice one from Clips 4 Sale. Of course, it went right back out. My accountant, bills, the tires, etc. You all know full well how it goes.
At least now, if I want to get on the interstate or go for a long ride I can. I'll have 4 safe tires. Although where I would go with the numbers still climbing in Florida is a good question. But the possibility is at my disposal should I choose to go gallivanting! It's nice to have choices.
My photographer has been distancing and I asked do you want to resume. Well......we are going to but he's going to do just the social media updates. No more explicit stuff. Instead, my long time videographer here has agreed to help. We're doing our reunion shoot tomorrow at 11am. Now all I need to do is come up with something sexy, creative and solo. I know....I know.
Believe me I'd much rather be playing with a partner or partners. It's gotta wait!
Business has picked up and I'm very happy about that. I stopped by to see my gal pal the day before yesterday. We both go nowhere so we shared a martini from 10 feet apart.
How I miss going out to dinner or a concert. Instead, I'm preparing some good stuff at home. Tonight is a Caesar salad with chicken. I roasted a chicken yesterday and had it with a tossed salad. I love these organic happily raised chickens that Whole Foods and Publix both sell. Different brands but such a huge step up in taste and tenderness.
I did a meat loaf the other day and used crushed pork rinds instead of bread crumbs, keto style. It really was okay. I miss good bread!! And I do have some Chicago hard rolls and good Croissants in my freezer. Every once in a great while I pull one out when I can't stand being without some carbs. Then I go right back on the Keto. As long as I exercise no harm is done but I cannot get in the habit of doing it every day or the pounds will pile back on.
I really love being slimmer. And except for a couple of items that truly were undersized when I bought them and never wore...I've been able to wear everything that is in my closet.
I really do need some new stuff.....not because I don't have any clothes...we know that's not true...but for the camera. I've managed to sneak in the same things with different tops, jackets, shoes, accessories but It's time to add some new lingerie and shoes. Plus a lot of my old lingerie is just too big. Some dresses also. They can all be donated down the road.
I was feeling a little punky and crabby yesterday....who wouldn't right now....so I bought myself some pink roses that were on sale at Publix. I did a little redesign and added hot pink into the decore. they are perfect and have brought me such joy.
My patio garden has awakened from it's seasonal lull and plants are growing by leaps and bounds. Mom's Christmas cactus is just loaded with flowers. It's a reminder of her every time I see it.
Despite all the turmoil right now, life is good!
Your Very Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Pics from today's social media update. The video is at Twitter, You Tube and Instagram. The links are on this site.
Claiming the Sixties! Miniskirts, big hair, big jewelry, fishnet tights!
