Hello My Friends,
A few of you voiced concern for my well being with Eta moving into Tampa yesterday. It was downgraded to a tropical storm after I'd moved all the plants and the patio furniture. But tropical storms can do lots of damage in and of themselves. Thankfully our community escaped unscathed. No power outages either. So....all is well at the nudie resort.
I had notified you that I was adding a paid member section to this site. It turns out that was a wish not a possibility after all. Even though we'd designed the page, added the latest video it wasn't live because I did not have a place that would receive payments. The Wix rep cautioned I find one before I added any more content.
I reached out to a possibility yesterday. There was only one and I got a call later in the day. If you didn't know the adult industry, porn, cam, escorts, dommes, etc all have difficulty with financial institutions. There are two standards for business. One for the rest of the world and another for adult work. Oh, I could find what I needed if I paid Master Card and Visa and additional $500 a year each on top of the processing fees. I said no. I already have a clip store and the next vid and future videos are going to go there. It's not perfect but it works.
For those of you who have joined the xxx member site under the new 90 free period, relax. It's going to be free.........period. I worked with Wix today and we deleted the most recent attempts. However, I am going to be adding more extensive xxx content in picture form to www.annekexposed.com at my clip store in the future. Yes, there will be a fee but there will be a lot more photos.
I'm sorry for the confusion and I hope you understand. I was trying to make it in house and easier for you. But the cost to do so is too high. I also worked to streamline the xxx member process. I still have to approve you so please be patient. I might not see that request immediately. It will get done if you've been a respectful gentleman in the past. Stalkers are not getting approved so don't bother signing up, thank you.
I have a Facetime session at 6 today so there's still time if you want to play today or this evening.
Life is good.
Your Very Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess, GILF and Cammer,
Yesterday afternoon.
