Hi Darlings,
Yes, it's 88 at the moment. I stepped out in front of my garage to meet my Amazon Whole Foods driver just now and was so surprised. It had not been predicted to be a scorcher today. Luckily I took my walk this a m....around 9ish.
It's was a full moon officially at 3 am this morning but I did a little ritual last evening just as Luna peeked over the roof top of my neighbor's building opposite mine. I'll attach a pic. It's kind of cool.
It was an odd week...busy at the first, then vaccine and then quiet until last evening when an old friend from Upstate NY reached out for an evening playtime. It had been a long time so I was very happy to see him.
Today I had a very unusual call. In an attempt to be discreet I'll say he'd found me on one of the social media sites. He said he wanted to send a gift for all the content I'd shared in appreciation and he asked for some personal advice. He said, "You always seem so positive and I'm overwhelmed, having a hard time, how do you do it?"
I shared how I begin most days with my gratitude list and how...after 7 1/2 years of this habit, it had so dramatically changed my life. Along with personal and two group studies the last couple of years. He's at the point where he can't see the forest from the trees but he knows enough to reach out.
We've ALL been there and there is no overnight solution. It takes hard work, discipline and perseverance to continue the journey to your higher calling. I hope I helped but I'm not sure I did. And true to his word, he sent a gift at Amazon.
I use these gifts for so many things at Amazon and it's such a help to stay within my monthly budget and income. I never know for sure how much that will be each month so I say a prayer, a thanks that I always do and plow on.
I buy everything from trash bags to sexy outfits to makeup and all my toiletries and vitamins. That's a lot out of our pockets each month and I'm grateful. Condoms and lube too!
I ordered a catsuit today that is skin tight, looks like perforated leather and zips up the front. Oh, the possibilities are endless for this for fetish photography and sessions. I thought about ordering a pair of stiletto spiked heels to reinforce that domme look but I didn't. Perhaps another time.
I'd like to do a new professional photo session this spring. It's been since fall 2019 and I'm in much better shape. There are a couple of great folks in Miami. We'll just see what the spring brings but I can see that catsuit as part of one. I always include some Goddess and Fetish attire as well as lingerie and sexy dinner date wear. .
I did some investigating this week and the medical opinion now about the time frame for full immunity after the second vaccine is 10 days - 2 weeks. Not 30 days. So I'll be hanging that "Love for Sale" sign up beginning March 15th. Remember, either you have completed your vaccines and are immune or you are tested for Covid 3-5 days before we meet. I"ll take your temp as you enter.
You say why are you doing this? Because I want my friends and neighbors to feel safe too. Not to mention other "friends" who might want to visit. I don't need Covid germs in my place. We can still get ill but not severely so they say I'd like to avoid any of that altogether.
I will be keeping a very, very low volume so be assured I'm still very serious about safety.
I did an update for social media Thursday and my videographer and I filmed for exposed Friday. Think fetish and strap on play. It will be up next week. Both my videographer and Diamond Jim are doing a stellar job! I'm most grateful!
This time I did an entirely different and long update for YouTube. My Twitter was different attire. A hot pink lace robe and matching bra, g-string and garter belt. Sheer. You can't do that on Instagram or YouTube. If you're wondering how much work is this? A lot!
I'm still watching Sherlock on Netflix and Endeavor series 7 is just out on Prime. That's next. If any of you watched the old Inspector Morse series on PBS mysteries and loved them I think you'll like this one. It's Morse....when he's just starting out and young. A pain in the a-- even then. Great stuff though. I love the work that BBC does.
That's about it. I'm looking forward to that next stimulus. Think positive thoughts the IRS can handle it all this time of year.
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Friday night Almost Full Moon

Thursday YouTube and Instagram Pic

Twitter Update Thursday

Friday's Shoot for Annekexposed. Naughty stuff at xxx members here tomorrow.
