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You Make Your Plans and Then....Life Happens! * Pics!

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hello My Dear Friends,

Well, I was supposed to be in Miami for Exotica today, departing yesterday.

I am not.

Monday late afternoon I started to have severe muscle spasms and body aches. Ice and yoga did nothing to relieve either. By the hour I felt worse, like I'd been run over by a Mack truck. I took a long hot shower before bed and spent a miserable night awaking to my body shedding water and a fever.

Early the next morning I went on line to see if the clinic who did my Covid testing last year after going to a busy hotel, was still in business. They are very close and they were. I still had a fever and felt awful and had many Covid symptoms.

I wasn't waiting 3 more days to go get tested. So I drove over. The Dr. is a sweetheart. They come out to your car. He did the test, came back and said you are negative but since it's less then a day come back Thursday. It was Tuesday. I said, Dr. it feels like a UTI. I had no congestion, breathing problems or headache.

He told me to come inside and they took a Urine sample. I went back to my car to await the results. He came out and said, "You must know your body well because you do have a UTI." He seemed concerned, prescribed Keflex and said he was sending it to the lab. It got my RX filled and went home and climbed in bed. I stayed there all day, sleeping constantly, fever and pain continuing.

My sis checked in Wednesday and asked if I was better. I said honestly, just a tiny bit. She was surprised. Another day of napping, taking my meds, etc. Thursday morning back to get retested. Negative covid. Positive for E-coli in the urine specimen. No wonder I was so ill! Thank God I went to that clinic right away. By Friday I was feeling much better. Today, good enough to wash my hair, makeup, take photos and a short video for OF.

I dodged a bullet for sure. It doesn't even matter about Exotica. I am on the mend and thankful not to be in the hospital with matters worse.

Every day of good health is a blessing. Never take it for granted.

And this has sharpened my priorities. I'm done worrying about enough content for OnlyFans even though my numbers are going down again. There are too many eggs in this basket and not enough $'s for the effort although I appreciate what I do receive. It's still a nice amount weekly!

I am going to concentrate on camming again and seeing a few friends each month. The porn sales will do what they will do.

I had already been thinking about a trip back up north early October during fall foliage. I'll drive. There's no way I'm flying to multiple cities with this f-----g mess the airlines have created and the advantage they are taking of us. I'd rather take my time, stop in a few of my favorite places, spend some time in Albany and Upstate NY, check on my brother and then head back. I'll be gone at least two weeks.

It's hotter then hell in Florida then and we're sick of the heat. It would be a nice change and if I take my time, you book ahead and I see who I want to in the cities I want to be it will be great. I'm excited about this. So if you want to meet me on the I-95 or I-85 corridor heading north or on the way back now is the time to start thinking about an Anneke Fixxx. I will not go far off the beaten path hower although I am thinking of spending of couple of nights in Charleston, SC on the return home. It's such a wonderful city. Maybe I'll miss a hurricane or two.

I'm heading to Chicago overnight July 24/25. Pray for my flights please?

Life is good. I'm still here. LOL

Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,


Today....all cleaned up!

The other side.



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