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Yep....I Forgot I the Friday Updates! Pics

Writer's picture: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hi Loves,

Don't ask me why I plum forgot last week's update. I was lying in bed this morning and my second skip of Friday update dawned on me. My big excuse is that I've been a couch potato most of the last few days. I've made myself do my workouts, yoga, weights and even back to the gym. Updates also but aside from the normal home maintenance I've been a slug.

That Canadian polluted air has made it's way to Florida and I've been exhausted. Asthma. I couldn't figure out WHY my allergies seemed to have returned and I was so tired. Until a friend said, "It's the fires in Canada. That crap got here the end of last weekend." NO wonder I've been struggling. I was outside gardening all last weekend breathing in that bad stuff.

Add a heat index of 108 this week most days and I've been inside. I don't know when we're ever going to accept that we are in the midst of a planet that is heating up. I'm not going to get into a political discussion or an argument that this is JUST what the earth cycles over the centuries. Remember how clear the skies got during lockdown and the pandemic? We know that's not going to happen again.

Outside of dragging my sexy butt I'm doing just fine. Last evening I was having a martini at cocktail hour and one of my friends texted, "what are you doing?" I said just that above and she said to come across to the street to my neighbors they were having a girl party. My neighbor's beau was sitting far away on their couch with his computer and the news....blocking out 5 women dishing the dirt about men. Most of us feeling pretty good. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I had such a good time and it reminds me of the benefit of women getting together. Just like men and their buddies. Sometimes we just need to do that.

Of course, I paid the price for it and made a hangover breakfast this morning of bacon and ricotta pancakes with lemon curd. Carbs and fat are my usual hangover cure. Honestly, I really try not to get in this situation often. I am a grownup right? LOL

Last weekend I headed to our pool both days. Slathered in a heavy sunscreen and wearing a hat. I spent most of my time up to my neck in the water. The heat index was high not to mention the suntan index. Of course, unbeknownst to me I was also breathing in that crappy air.

Sunday evening my buddy from London who owns a place here came over for dinner. He was just back for a couple of weeks. The weather in the UK and London is brilliant right now but he was missing our little paradise. I took him to the airport Thursday after a late lunch to hop on British Airways for the long flight back. He'll be back the end of September.

I'm very blessed to have good male and female friends. It's nice to have a male buddy without the sexual expectations. NO he's not gay. We're just old, old friends who know each other well. It's comforting to spend time with people who love you just as you are. Male or female!

And then there are my playmates outside of the filming and the biz.

Life is good!

Your very naughty girlfriend, goddess and gilf,


Before the club last Saturday night.

The Chartreuse/yellow Cocktail Thursdays shoot for social media and onlyfans.

Same shoot...after the dress came off.



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