Hello My Friends,
It's warm but overcast all day here. I had plans to spend the day at the resort up the road and I already have my day pass. There is no point in sitting around a pool on a cloudy day. I have lots of work I can do for my own endeavors.
BUT tonight I'm getting dressed up and going to their Vampire Ball. I LOVE all things Vampire and I would be one if I could. IF they could change me over when I was about 25 years younger. That's the age you stay. LOL I WILL have pics for you!
My apologies for just skipping over last week's journal. I was "engaged" for the weekend. (big smile) It was lots of fun, lots of sun (heavy sun screen of course) and lots of......well, you know. It's nice to have a partner on the dance floor too!
Things are fairly the same. Only fans, www.onlyfans.com/avbgilfgoddess is slowly regaining members. But with a slight raise in the subscription price that is making up for the loss of members. It's all a guess and by golly.
I had a video shoot fall through on Tuesday due to miscommunication and an interview with a new possible model slip away. He was all hot to film and then he ghosted. I never understand why people do that. But it's a common occurence these days. I do have that shoot rescheduled for this next week.
I have a new photo shoot coming up with Aldo Antonio on March 2nd at a swinger's resort near Disney. Then I'm staying the rest of the weekend. Sort of a little vacation. Still, I'll have to have content in place to cover those days.
Lovely, lovely dinner date Thursday night in Tampa with a returning friend. It's been a while since that has occured. Everyone calls and wants a same day, last minute, no screening date. You know me.......NADA! He planned weeks in advance and gave me a lovely piece of jewelry in addition. Very sweet man!
Last evening was a birthday party at our club. Vampire party tonight, Super Bowl get together at my neighbor's across the street tomorrow. They are always fun. She is a ball of energy and I just love her!
So all in all a good week and a great weekend! Life is good!
Your Very Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Last week, social media update.

Social Media update....naughty reel at Only Fans.

Dinner for a friend last Saturday night.

I like that. Giving them a peek to pique their interest.