Hello My Friends,
I did not totally forget you. I returned from Fort Lauderdale late Saturday and while I intended to post here Sunday I just plain forgot. My apologies.
If I had to think quickly about what I did the beginning of the week I'd say...haven't a clue. I was busy filming and getting ready to head to Fort Lauderdale for the Friday evening Fetish party.
When I used to tour continuously I had packing down to a science. I had extra toiletries, makeup all set to drop in my suitcase. But clothes were always unknown except for the everyday wardrobe.
Those items were dependent upon where I was going and what types of sessions I was going to have as well as wardrobe for filming in the early days. I remember traveling with 3 suitecases and a roller bag. Yep....I overdid it.
When I was traveling to the UK/London or Ireland for any length of time the baggage fees were high. I was blessed to have been able to do see.
Watching the preparations for the Queens funeral brought back those memories of working in London. I visited 9 times between 2004 and 2009, my last trip. I absolutely loved being there and I was fortunate to see the changing of the guard twice, 2 different ceremonies and attending evensong at Westminster Abbey. I walked everywhere or took a cab. I wasn't going underground in the tube, thank you.
The Brits are kinky so lots of fetish gear always went in the suitcase. I had a great time and met some wonderful people working for www.secretboudoir.com as well as booking my private appts via Eros and www.adultwork.co.uk. Those were exciting days.
Now it tires me out thinking about it. But I'm hoping to go one more time...the end of next summer to see the Military Tattoo in Edingburgh, do an English garden tour, stay through September and attend Madame Caramel's Femdom Ball in October. High goals for sure.
So Fort Lauderdale was different as I was preparing for this important Fetish party with some well known/world renown Domina's. The outfit HAD to be right and I couldn't wait to meet these women and the subs.
After driving around in circles, due to the address being compromised, (someone hacked the directions on Fetlife.) I made it to the party. Fabulous dungeon decore as you'll see in the photos below. New friendships and alliances were made. More about that another time and then the subs/slaves started to arrive. This was a different experience from Lady Femina's fetish parties of years past. This was serious stuff.
I kind of stood back and reconoitered. These were hard core doms. My practice is more sensual, not sadistic and lovingly controlled and directed. But I was welcomed and excepted as a sister. A very gratifying feeling. As the night went on I jumped in. My fondest memory is making one gent, collared and leashed, crawl down the hallways neighing, pretending he was a horse. You cannot make this stuff up. He was also a stool and a prop for my legs.
I met a new friend Saturday morning and then headed home. It's a 4 1/2 hour drive and Lola did me proud. It was relaxing even if it was long. And it had me thinking...thank you, thank you, thank you that I decided not to drive up to the Northeast in October. Those days are behind me. But if you want to Fly Me To You, I'm game.
There will be another party in Fort Lauderdale in November and one is planned for Tampa in December. I'll keep you posted about those and other possibilities with the Dominatrix's of South Florida.
Life is good.
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
The Doms

Me on the play bed....there's a cage underneath.

On the Throne

Anneke, you outshone them all! Very hot