Hi My Darling Boys,
It's 93 at the moment and 50% humidity. So it doesn't feel terrible. The rain should come rolling in around 5pm. The Gulf of Mexico water is warm in the summer so as the temps inland build up the storms move in. Pretty much daily.
I took a day off yesterday. And went to see my Sis, Hubby and Bob the cat, who was missing for 7 weeks in Upstate NY. Yes, they found him last week...thin, a wound on his leg where his collar slipped down and rubbed, dehydrated but in pretty good shape. My Sis flew up Friday and brought him back Monday. It truly was a miracle!
He sleeps most of the time and she is feeding him every couple of hours. Just like a new born baby. But you can see he's filling out from last week's pics already.
Besides seeing him I just wanted a change of scenery. Some down time away from business. Nothing is wrong and it's something we all should do.
We just sat in the lanai and looked out over the beautiful golf course. Then they took me on an extensive tour of The Villages. The Disney World for Senior Citizens. We went to all three of the Town Centers. Dining at the third. Brownwood. Each and every one looks like the quaintest, most perfect little small town you've ever seen.
Dinner was fresh seafood and it was lovely. It was so weird to look around and see ONLY old people. Even though I'm one of them. lol I have to remind myself sometimes that I am. Sort of.
We then drove back and visited the oldest town and the one closest to them. Spanish Springs. It looks like a copy of St. Augustine and it has huge trees and mature vegetation. Every night there is live music in the Town Centers and last evening they had a classic rock band and a huge crowd. All ages of Seniors...the younger end and the older and they were having a ball. I like this one the best.
It's a unique and amazing place but I couldn't live there on my own. The ratio of women to men is 11 to 1. And I sure couldn't go naked at the pools. I understand that a lot of them come down to our resort when they want to get their naughty on. It's only an hour and twenty minutes north.
But I think Sis and hubby will be really happy there. It was lovely to have my tea on the lanai this morning and watch the sun come up. Very beautiful and relaxing.
But it's back to work and I love it. I've made a decision to stay on Clips4Sale and as always it was sort of made for me. The BIG site, OnlyFans, banned porn for their creators this past week. Absolutely NO sex workers allowed either. (That's not new.) After they made huge money off these folks they are cutting them off from their livelihood. Many who lost their income during Covid as I did and this had been their income source.
Why is this happening? The banks putting the squeeze because the governments are regulating how money flows through the banks. They see money laundering and sex trafficking behind every mid-western girl next door's content. It's ridiculous and I'm not going to get on a bandwagon.
I have spent most of the afternoon getting MY compliance forms done for Clips4Sale. Just for me. I have to go back to the beginning of ALL my clips and supply all the 2257 forms, ID's and photos for EVERY shoot I've ever done.
Luckily I have a binder of them but as I poked through today some things are missing. This videos will get taken off the site if I do not complete the required info. Supposedly it will be secure. But for a while here...I'm only going to be offering solo naughtiness until I can get caught up on all of what I do have. I'll be filming a new Toy evaluation tomorrow!
There are 389 clips. Some are duplicates in different definitions. Even before HD was much better. But it's going to take forever and I have until Oct. 31st to do them all. It's a little overwhelming, especially since I made hardly any money over the years when I wasn't filming all the time. Mine is done so anything that is old solo work is covered, thankfully.
I don't think most of you understand how much crap we have to go through to film and to work. Or to even be on more conservative social media.
I'm not complaining but when someone calls/text me and wants free stuff or want to negotiate the tribute I have a difficult time being nice about it. I've been filming since 2004, escorting since 2003 and I'll bet all of you have gotten raises at your jobs. Somehow guys seem to think I should be asking for the same donation as in 2003. That would be fine if the price of everything else hadn't gone up.
Still, I smile and just say no. The average for a provider in Tampa now is 700 an hour. I am still way below that. And yes, they are all young and perfect but I know, they don't know, 1/10th of what I know. LOL I guess guys subtract for every year you age. I'm smiling.....it is what it is.
I still love what I do and am grateful every single day that I had the nerve to do it years ago! I hope you do also!
Life is good.
YOUR VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Last Thursday's Social Media Update
Remember all you have to do is click any of those links on my website. Instagram, YouTube and Twitter to see more. Although I put my favorites here.

I love your brutal honesty, your sex Appel your style. You would be both enjoyable vertical and horizontal. With vertical the more entertaining.
As always, your honesty and humanity shows in all you do! 🥰🌹