Good Morning Sweethearts,
It's warm and humid....of course. Although this morning it's overcast so I don't have to cover my orchids. The sun is so hot that even the two morning hours scorches their leaves.
I am the shady side of our courtyard nut the sun still blazes down for a couple of hours in the morning. I purposely plant shade plants but those two hours in summer is too much for them. Some protest!
My sister in law is still here with no water or food since Monday, defying the odds. My brother is determined to be at her side when she passes. He is exhausted. Thankfully my sister is there now to help but they both are exhausted. Bless her. And bless him. He is a prince among men, having cared for her single handedly for 3 1/2 years with brain stem cancer.
My prayers are with them but there is nothing else I can do right now. I've learned, that too much empathy for someone else's plight can suck the life out of YOU. So, I present my petitions and leave the rest to the powers that be.
I've had much interest in meeting dates but almost everyone contacts me last minute. The ones that really make me nervous are the "We are a couple and we'd like to meet you in Sarasota at the Ritz Carlton." Or a text in the middle of the night for Orlando. Once I send my requirements to do so.....they disappear. It's a favorite ploy of LE here in Florida.
I'm thorough and professional. So sometimes people are surprised that I'm warm and personal when we meet in person. But that is how I've stayed out of difficulties. And that's how I'll continue.
I'm awaiting the thumb drive from last week's filming with Myla. I've been beating the bushes trying to find guys to film with but it's a challenge. Hopefully I'll be able to make some connections at Miami Expo. If I can go. My subscribers at www.onlyfans,com/avbgilfgoddess want boy/girl content! It is starting to drop again. Plus, you like variety and I get that. Well, so do I. (smiles)
So my biggest decision right now is what color to paint the playroom. I know...pretty vapid isn't it? But I love good design. I haven't been able to make up my mind until I saw some photos of dungeon rooms. (I really don't have a dungeon but you get the drift.) One had a very dark and colorful rug over the floor and the lightbulb went on. Look for a rug to darken the floor and THEN match the paint on the walls. It took me 15 minutes on the internet to find one. It's black/purple/bits of off white in a modern damask pattern. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it arrives.
Alexx, my life coach/psychic friend in Albany is an interior designer too. His advice was to paint the walls a dark purple.
We had a reading Thursday and it looks like I have a lot of new people coming in my life. He said, you have a lot of men around you now. I laughed and said, yep, I'm dating a harem. And a new outfit arrived from Honey Birdette yesterday. Look, you'll love it. VERY hot site!
Life is good. I put two feet on the floor each morning and I'm picking out paint colors. Oh...and having orgasms too!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Monday's Update

Thursday's Update

For Only Fans....close your eyes....nekkid!
