Hi Naughty Boys,
Nope, it's not sunny and perfect in Florida today although most of this week has been glorious. We desperately need the rain and there have been fires already in North Florida.
I had to wash my hair today so I decided there was no point in fighting the humidity and left it curly. It's a lot less work too!
I'm back on a stricter Keto to get my weight down for that shoot in LA. A couple of extra pounds makes a huge difference on a video camera. The last shoot was evidence of 2 more pounds. All in my tummy. I'm always going to have one but let's make an attempt to control it. IF I thought not having a cocktail at night would make a big difference I'd not but I've tried that before and it just doesn't help. So....I'm having my nightly cocktail.
I did a shoot with Jason my sub this week and it turned out well. A gal pal of mine did the filming again and she did a nice job. Hopefully, nice Tuesday night I'm filming with a new guy and then after that filming with her in a girl/girl that so many have been asking for. John is going to shoot those after he gets off work.
Only Fans is picking up and I'm going to be steaming toward top 1%. That's my manifestation so it's on the way. Other good things are happening too. Some serendipitous, others, the universe acting on that manifestion. It's hard to let go and trust but I'm getting there!
LA is still on. I have my plane ticket and my hotel reservation. I'm excited and a little nervous but I'm focusing on giving them what they want and having fun! It's going to be a fabulous experience!
The hair and nails get freshened up Tuesday. Exercising every day and watching what I eat. I can do no more then those and giving it my best! Grannies can shine too and it is one of the fastest growing areas in porn.
I'm full steam ahead on my redesign for the great room. I've finally decided on a color scheme but I'll share that with you when it's done. I love this stuff.
My Sis is doing better but I'm keeping an eye on her. I have to head up there today!
Life is good!
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
Both pics below have the Naughty version at www.onlyfans.com/gilfgoddess
Monday's Update All Teal, lace romper, satin bra.

My Goddess get up. My friend Myla, who filmed this Jason shoot, took this and "blinged it up."

You are one hot very sexy woman.