Hello My Friends,
Yes, I'm up in the Chicago area near O'Hare. Southwest just started flying here. I'd always taken them to Midway. I was excited I had that option. Until last weekend when they started cancelling flights over the 3 day holiday weekend.
It turns out the real reason was that they couldn't put together enough crew. The employees were protesting the Federal mandate that they had to be tested to fly. Or work for them.
Gee....you're employed by an airline meeting the public. It seems to me that is a no brainer but oh no, the government is infringing upon their rights. How about the rights of those who are vaccinated but are still high risk. It's okay for the unvaccinated to go anywhere and do anything but the rest of us are supposed to sit home. How about our rights to move about freely without fear of infection? But, I know fully well that those of you who are adamant about not getting the vaccine cannot be reasoned with. Your mind is made up.
So I was nervous to fly and move around a very crowded gate landing in O'Hare. People were crammed in everywhere at Southwest's gates. Old ones obviously used ages ago and being repurposed. This will be my last flight to O'Hare on Southwest. But I did have a flight and I'm very happy to be here.
I got in late and was very happy to see there is a mask mandate in the hotel and that housekeeper only comes in if you want them. Your door is sealed before you enter. It's supposedly sanitized between stays.
I unpacked and unwound a bit and walked across the street to one of my all time favorite Chicago restaurants. I went early and found a table by myself. Not crowded, all the staff in masks. If only Florida would do that too everywhere.
I had a fabulous dirty martini, 1/2 dozen oysters, a Caesar salad and a 7 ounce filet. Yes, a big splurge for sure but long overdue. My server was a doll and she and I had a nice conversation. Not rushed at all.
Then the bar and the tables started to fill up. I wasn't going to rush my meal but I wasn't comfortable. When I got back to my room I found my whole body ached. I realized it was the stress of being out in public. I do NOT want to get sick. But I also realized I am going to have to find a way to deal with this and not be paranoid every where I go. And still stay safe.
I'm glad to have taken a break from Florida but this also made me realize how I am content with the decision not to tour again. Oh, an occasional FMTY or a little vacation, much needed, to places that DO have mask mandates in place.
I spoke with a gent yesterday who lives in LA and when he went to the opera. everyone had to have proof of vaccination and wear a mask. I could live with that.
Diamond Jim arrives in a couple of hours and we have a full afternoon of filming. He has 4-5 storyboards in graphic details down to the script. I so appreciate all that work but I will never remember and I like being more spontaneous. I'll ad lib according to the them. We'll have fun and I think you'll like the end product.
Be on the lookout for the shoot I did with Violette, my cross dresser friend. Jim loved it when editing so I know you will too.
Time to get ready and make the magic transformation. LOL And YOU thought it was all natural right? Well, Trixie and Boom Boom certainly are. Yes, they are going to have their own special video today.
Life is good.
Your VERY Naughty Girfriend, Goddess and GILF,
PS...I thought I did an update last week....where it went....is a puzzle? Sorry.
Mondays update.

Today...a pretty picture for the shoot.
