Hello My Friends,
This is going to be short...my neighbor who shares the wall of my playroom is doing construction on that same wall. Driving me nuts, lol.
Beautiful day in Florida and while I had a stellar trip to LA to film and play with a friend I'm glad to be home.
The friend picked me up at LAX after a long two legged flight. Stuffed into the first plane and a window seat for the first leg, I was thrilled to get off that plane in Austin. I had some time to kill and as I walked down the concourse I saw a bar I'd visited my last trip there. It was cool and there had been live music. None this time but as I prepared to sit I asked the two ladies already parked if I could join them. We had a blast and I had two martinis in the middle of the day. Something I never do. I almost missed the next flight. But boy was I relaxed!
Thankfully the plane was a 727 and I had an aisle seat with no one next to me. Bliss. I don't know how I toured endlessly for all those years. I had more energy when I was younger I think.
So, tall and handsome was waiting and we headed north to my hotel. It was a long ways and the traffic was the usual Southern California mess but it gave us lots of time to catch up. He had to head right back with work but we tentatively planned to meet the next day after my shoot.
I engaged Uber for dinner and treated myself to a filet at Ruth's Chris. Then early to bed.
Our 11am shoot got bumped to 12. So I had time to do some yoga and take my time with hair and makeup.
I arrived a bit early, met the team, Brian Glazer, Sean, my costars, Zooey Sinn and Nade Nasty. It was the wackiest script I'd ever seen but it highlighted a lonely gilf, living next door to some young kinky neighbors. When it hits it will be on www.gilfed.com a new site from Brazzers.
Four hours later we wrapped. It was an ad shoot, which means not only do they shoot the video but they also shoot several short vids from different angles to use for advertising on YouTube. So you have to keep doing the same scene over and over.
I got fucked on my knees on the tile kitchen tile floor...several scenes and on the granite counter top. The assistant keep mopping up my squirting. It was fun, hot and I could hardly walk on Thursday and Friday when I got home. lol A trip to my chiropractor yesterday helped. Did I mention I don't know how I used to do this stuff? You'll like the boy/girl/girl content!
The director said I did "great" and he'd fly me back every few months. We'll see if he meant it. He was fabulous, with super attention to detail. So were my cohorts. Ultimate professionals.
Commercial porn shoots are VERY different from my little amateur ones..obviously. Thankfully I did 3, years ago so I knew what was in store. It was be a great opportunity for exposure so I glad I took the gig.
I headed back to my hotel and showered to meet my friend for dinner and an overnight. Then, next morning he took me back to the airport. All I'll say is that is was magical. Just what you hope an encounter will be.
I'm heading to my sister's today for a concert in Gainesville. Antiguing this afternoon. Carmina Burana, with orchestra, choir and ballet tonight. I'm very excited and looking forward to a little break from work. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon early if you'd like to cam.
New content at www.onlyfans.com/avbgilfgoddess with Myla. A hot girl/girl. Very wet. I'll be filming with Brit Big Boy again this week.
Enjoy this beautiful weekend! Life is good.
Your VERY Naughty Girlfriend, Goddess and GILF,
