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Another Year Around The Sun Soon * Pics

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hello My Friends,

It's raining. But warm thankfully. We're in that rainy day pattern of the Florida summer. NO complaints when many parts of the world are on fire. Water will be one of the crucial issues of this next decade.

So....I'm happy we have enough here for now.

The week has just whizzed by! I had a very good weekend biz wise and the naughty meter was right off the scale. Lucky me! Lake Anneke was overflowing the dam for sure!

It seems my Tryst ad is drawing more notice than Eros. This I'm very happy to see. Eros continues to take advantage of their own customers, with higher prices and next to no service.

I had a nice social media shoot Monday...pic below. Twitter is back in growth mode. Hopefully it stays that way a little longer.

We had family plans to get together for my birthday next week. My Sis and her hubby have been settling in their new home nicely until life happened yesterday. He'd been having chest pains but they thought it was from moving furniture. When the nausea began last night she rushed him to the ER at the little hospital in their community. It appears he had a mild heart attack and he is having a heart catheterization this afternoon and probable a stent.

We have some new cases of Covid in our community and while most are not that ill, one neighbor is grave. He already had major lung and health issues. All these folks were vaccinated. But the numbers in Florida continue to rise 95% who are unvaccinated. It's not over folks. Please don't let your guard down yet. I'd rather be healthy and limit my social activities then run the risk of being ill.

Now we have another consideration to ponder. If you've been vaccinated but are feeling OFF and have an adventure booked with me...don't visit. Please be honest and cancel and get tested. I will understand. Vaccinated folks can spread the variant.

Me....I'm feeling great. Creaky in the morning getting up but feisty all the same. I'm down another dress size and it feels wonderful! Thankfully Trixie and Boom Boom are still......huge.

Monday's shoot. panties.

The filming is kind of on hold for now. Opportunities and camera people are not forthcoming at the moment. I hate losing the momentum that has been building but it is what it is.

In the meantime, daily opportunities to be naughty on camera have increased and more are reaching out to meet in person. I just have to be super cautious and sure of the health of those who visit. I owe it to myself, my neighbors, family AND you!

My birthday present to myself is a phone reading with Alexx on the 8th, Sunday. Life is still good!

Your VERY Naughty Girfriend, Goddess and GILF,



1 commentaire

17 août 2021

wow. simply gorgeous

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