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Another Gorgeous Week in Florida * Pics

Writer: Anneke Van BurenAnneke Van Buren

Hello Friends,

February through May are usually the loveliest months in Florida. The warmer weather we're known for then arrived later this year and we're in the middle of it right now. It was 68 this morning, after my walk it's heading to the high eighties.

My orchids are in heaven. Well, so am I because I can enjoy them. A new friend visited this week and brought an armful of red roses, a bouquet of yellow tulips and a beautiful orchid. He said, "I didn't know which to bring you so I got them all." For 30, that guy has a wisdom beyond his years.

Those sort of things used to happen all the time when I first entered my profession in 2003. The beautiful green outfit that I was gifted last week was common too. But times are different and I'm not sure why. It could be because I'm older but I don't think that's it. Those little thoughtful gestures to make an impression don't seem as important.

We spent the whole afternoon together but while I'll always remember that, I'll remember his chivalry and respect most. And that is all I truly desire from a new friend. Respect. Well, that and well groomed and smelling sweet. Ha!

What has happened for my practice is that I'm seeing fewer friends but they are top notch. I received calls/text/emails every day but few have taken the time to read my ads all the way through, not to mention even trying to find my website if there isn't a Eros. BUT Eros does allow you a link to your Twitter page and guess what......that link is there. OR just google my name. It will come up. Easy peasy.

In my opinion I meet the best people. The ones who are in a hurry, can't or won't comply fall by the wayside immediately. It's okay because I know there are providers out there who will see anyone. Without screening or planning. That has never been my way of doing things. Thus, I've always been safe and never gotten in "trouble". And I have a great time with folks I genuinely adore!

I'm building the wardrobe now for the photo shoot with Aldo on June 8th. I've found some stunning outfits and of course we're using that beautiful green Honey Birdette body suit. He's also going to take a look at my website to give it a refresh. Parts of it just don't seem to make sense to some guys and while I've asked to clarify it, that hasn't been very successful. is going well. I took a drop after Twitter shadow banned me in December but I've noticed those numbers are slowly inching up again. If that continues OF benefits.

I had a wonderful shoot with "Tony" last week. An old friend renewing our passion. THOSE are the kind of shoots I prefer. Sensual, intimate, romantic! Instead of the slam bam hundred miles and hour porn shoots that seem to be the norm. Although I've talked to guys who say bring back the old style porn.

Just not the big hair and the hairy p...y please.

I have a dinner date tonight. Yes, a date that is not business. It will be fun and I'll take some pics of the casually chic outfit I'll wear for it.

Hopefully tomorrow, I'm going to the nudist resort again to get some sun and socializing. I'm really enjoying the place and the people.

I had a "moment" last evening while I was watching my favorite gardening show from the UK, "Gardeners World." They had a segment about peonies. My Mom and Dad's favorite. I felt something and realized it was Mom. She and I weren't really close but I realized that both SHE and Dad imprinted

this love for gardening. Memories of cutting them in their huge peony bed came back. The tears came to my eyes and I said, thank you Mom. It was quite a moment.

Life is good isn't it? For us here in the USA. Please pray for and help support those poor terrorized people in Ukraine!

Smiles and Soft Kisses,






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